I Am The Storyteller: August 2006

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ain't So Sweet Sixteen

I just felt like bashing those friggin spoiled kids everytime i watch My Super Sweet 16. There was this girl who goes like "ooh, daddy can i have this car, pleeease". Daddy this, daddy that.and they have this so called "self-confidence" where they go "oh my god, i am like, soooo HOT! Everybody's gonna be like, sooo jealous of me because i am the hottest girl around" with their dramatic facial expressions. The truth is, they AREN'T that hot, i mean, look at them. lol.

Today's episode was this guy named Darnell, who actually asked Rihanna to be his Princess for the party, and he did was just let her sit there, while he flirts with other girls, Rihanna just looks on and rolled her eyes. Yeah. I pity her. Come on, she's Rihanna, the IT girl, yet still so humble, show her some respect yo.

Well, i hate them rich kids. nuff said.

Friday, August 25, 2006

I've not blogged for ages.My Bad.
i've got so many things to tell you guys about my office, my colleagues and everything.
later for that.
I felt that God put me there for a specific reason. and I know it very well He has a plan for me. He has been opening many doors too. I have a colleague who also shares the same faith as me. Her name is Faye. She has shared alot with me about God, how she backslided and came back to God. I was so encouraged by her testimonies. It made me want to be a better person, and live life to the fullest, for God and God alone.
A new colleague( i shall not reveal her name--privacy lah) started her first day of work today, we were talking and she just said she is a malay, but NOTa muslim. She's a Christian. My jaw just dropped literally. lol.Her dad left them. Her mum converted to a Christian and her family actually persecuted her mum. Her mum had no place to go, and decided to reside in UK. Her mum is now preaching the gospel around. I had goosebumps, I was speechless. Her mum had been through so many hardships, yet she is still so strong. Praise the Lord. I've learned alot from both of them.
i will update everyday, pinkie promise! lol

signing out, God Bless.