I Am The Storyteller: Love ♥ Part One

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Love ♥ Part One

Hey all! Hope you guys like the new banner, the circus theme is so this season.
Very Panic! At The Disco.
When asked what is love, honestly I don't know how to answer because I don't even fathom the real definition of it. Besides, everyone has a different version of love.
Hollywood has its own version of love. Think passionate love scenes. Korean drama series have their own version. Think weeping and uttering lines like oh paaaa, sarang hae! Bollywood also has its own version. Think singing and dancing in big groups, chasing each other in the bushes and rolling down hills.
Personally, I like how Love is described in the bible. 1 Corinthians 13:4-13 is one of my all-time favourite verses. I still remember our school's Christian Fellowship's theme was Love Never Fails which was also taken
from this chapter.

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Even though the way the pastor preached about this was kinda boring, yet these verses are somehow self-explanatory. Very straightforward. And I just realized that I left out one line in that chapter. Go figure.


Blogger gwen. said...

I totally love the new head banner!

good job, once again Cheryl Carnivale.

10/12/06 20:57  
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